Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What If - The Question

The maze of life is full of questions.  And our job is to find the answers that work best for us.
Imagine that you took each question or option that came your way and asked "what if?"
  • What if I succeed?
  • What if it works?
  • What if I don't like it?
  • What if it makes me uncomfortable?
  • What if it makes everyone happy?
  • What if I fail?
  • What if I lose?
  • What if I don't try?
  • What if I put it in motion?
All questions we should ask ourselves in the maze of life.  And there are many more 'what ifs' out there.

And once we find the first answer we should ask 'what if?' again...it may lead us in new directions.

There is a 'What If' exercise in Solution Linx to Personal Growth.  Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Best Me

This is the way to live.  Happy.  Healthy.  At your BEST!
How do you get to be at your BEST?

Working with a coach - in person, in groups or even online can help you get to be your BEST.
A coach will guide you on a journey of discovery.  A journey that will take you to the goals you would like to achieve - personal, professional or health and wellness goals.

With weekly conversations, discussing your next steps and the roadblocks you encounter along the way can help you move forward in life....to becoming your BEST!

Check out this link to learn more:  Personal Growth Coaching