Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is the Plan?

The holidays are right around the corner.  Have you created a plan to make your way through them?
There is usually more than one way to get to where you are going.
You will need a plan, of course.
In planning, you will also need to look at what can happen at each fork in the road.  Each decision will impact the next step.

I know...I am making it sound difficult.  But it's the holidays, and while the holidays tend to bring out the best in people, you will also find that it is a time for memories (some bad, some good) and old heartaches or regrets to come to the surface.  Everyone is stressing too, so nerves tend to get on edge.
Be prepared.
Have a plan.  Who will you visit?  What will you bring?  Who will you invite? What will you serve?  There are tons of things to look at...so
... make sure that when you plan, you include downtime for yourself.  You deserve it!
It will make it easier to enjoy the holidays - as stress-free as possible.

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