Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Does Your Voice Say?

Your voice is all about you.  It is how you come across to the world. 
What you say and how you say it  - the words + the tone + facial expression + action = YOU!

What does your voice say?  Is it positive or negative? Is it happy or sad?  Is it full of energy or quiet and mournful?  Does your voice reflect what you are saying ....like, you are saying you are happy but your voice has no tone?

What about your body language?  Are you saying you are so upset while looking like you are jumping for joy?

There are many things to think about when we put our voice at the centre of our image of ourselves, at the centre of what others receive from us.  To learn more about your voice and how you are projecting yourself to the world, click here for a FREE e-book called 'Find Your Voice'.

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