Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tackle Fear

What can you do to tackle fear?

Fear can make us angry, timid, uncomfortable.  Here is a quick way to tackle fear:

Break your fear into small pieces and tackle each one individually.  If you give yourself an action for each small piece, the fear becomes manageable.  While you may never be comfortable, at least you will be more confident on your way through it.

Example:  Fear of public speaking, but due to your new job role, you need to speak at monthly meetings to report on team results.
  1. Start  with the meeting agenda - how much time do you have to speak?
  2. Understand what is required to be covered during that meeting.
  3. Determine what you can actually say in that time
  4. Write out your notes and practice in the mirror at least 5 times.
  5. Ask your team to listen to you say your part at least one day before the meeting.  This helps the team hear what you will say and help you practice in front of an audience with whom you are already comfortable.
  6. Dress professionally and comfortably.
  7. Take 3 deep breaths before you leave for the meeting
  8. Have your notes with you at the meeting to use during your time.
  9. Do your best - say your part.
  10. Ask for feedback after the meeting from a colleague or your boss.
  11. Implement feedback for next time.
It will work! 

Visit Solution Linx to Personal Growth to participate in online coaching - Conquering My Fears is a monthly topic!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get Control of Your Time

You can work with others to learn new ways to get control of your time.  Group coaching is a great way to connect with other people and learn or share ideas for the challenges that you are facing today.

Group coaching is about getting together (in person or by teleconference) with people who have like goals or a common agenda. Group coaching can help open your eyes to challenges and roadblocks as well as successes and milestones that other have reached.

Your progress in group coaching can quickly and efficiently help you move towards your goals. Group coaching is a great way to test out the 'coaching waters' and see if a Personal Growth Coach and one-on-one sessions can help you create the life you want to live.

Other topics covered in Group Coaching are:

Create Your Vision

Get Control of My Time

Ready to Change

Find out more by clicking here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Find Yourself

Can you see into a crystal ball...find yourself and like what you are looking at right now?
Can you see your future?
Do you have plans for the New Year?
How are you going to accomplish those plans?

Turn them into goals - measurable goals - and take along a coach for accountability.
Sometimes we create goals and plans, and without an outside, objective partner to help us maintain accountability, we can easily (and quickly) fall off the tracks and miss our journey completely.

By having a coach, we can discover new perspectives, get objective viewpoints, receive challenges we may not have yet understood or even simply get recognition for taking the steps we are currently taking.

A FREE Coaching Discovery Session can help you understand if a coach is right for you - click here to learn more.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Strengths

You have strengths. Things that you do well.  Things that perhaps you can do better than anyone else.  Think through the following questions to create a clear picture of your strengths:
  1. What are your strengths? 
  2. How do they make you who you are today? 
  3. How did you get those strengths? 
  4. How do you use those strengths?
Understanding your strengths can help you to develop an action plan to use those strengths to develop areas you would like to improve.

To learn more about this visit Solution Linx to Personal Growth - there is a whole month that focuses on strengths including tools and resources to help you make the best of what you have.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - Moving into a New Decade

Happy 2011!
Hope it's a wonderful one.

from the coaches at Solution Linx