Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get Control of Your Time

You can work with others to learn new ways to get control of your time.  Group coaching is a great way to connect with other people and learn or share ideas for the challenges that you are facing today.

Group coaching is about getting together (in person or by teleconference) with people who have like goals or a common agenda. Group coaching can help open your eyes to challenges and roadblocks as well as successes and milestones that other have reached.

Your progress in group coaching can quickly and efficiently help you move towards your goals. Group coaching is a great way to test out the 'coaching waters' and see if a Personal Growth Coach and one-on-one sessions can help you create the life you want to live.

Other topics covered in Group Coaching are:

Create Your Vision

Get Control of My Time

Ready to Change

Find out more by clicking here.

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