SOOOOO much is involved in getting ready for a trip.
- passports
- tickets
- packing, how much does my luggage weigh, can I bring a carry-on at no charge
- organizing at work, deadlines, follow up, key contacts
- organizing at home, kids, newspaper, mail delivery etc
- books to read, movie to watch
It is exhausting. But eventually, you get there!
And then, they cancel the flight. It is enough to make you lose your mind.
Well, don't!
This is the epitome of what you can 'control' versus what you 'cannot control'.
It happened to us, we arrived at the airport in time to check in and the flight was cancelled because they did not have a pilot. You would think, that being a regularly scheduled flight, not a charter, that people would be assigned...not so much with this airline I guess.
We were able to get onto the next flight and they even bumped us up to first class at no charge.
Key to this: we all kept our cool, when asked how they could help - we honestly told them how, we smiled and said thank you and were polite. No causing a scene or creating mayhem. Kindness and patience comes back to you.
Do you have a story like this one?
Tell it here!