Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What are Your Rules?

We have rules in the world to keep order. People develop rules in their lives to keep order as well.

□ Some rules could be meant to control things, like – you can only have 1 sugary snack per day.

□ Some rules could be made to avoid difficult situations, like – we invite our parents to separate events because they argue too much when they are in the same room.

□ Some rules are made and then re-worked, like – we will go to church every Sunday; we will go to church every Sunday that we don’t have baseball that day; we will go to church when we can.

Rules evolve and change with the way our lives work. When we add kids to mix, rules change or new rules are made up. We use rules to help guide and direct learning and living a positive and healthy life.

Look at your rules. What are they? Have they evolved along with you, or are you holding on to some rules and continuously breaking them instead of letting them evolve?

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