Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Can Be Everyday

What make you feel Spring is in the air?
Is it the melting snow or the drizzly rain?
Is it the buds on the trees or the flowers in bloom?
Is it the new clothes that are in the shops waiting to be worn?
Is it returning from your Winter holiday, knowing that you can now enjoy the last few cold days ahead, because the warm sun has reached your core and you can handle anything?

Spring can be everyday.  All you need to do is hold onto that excitement that flutters around in your belly when you are thinking of how you will plant your garden, or start to play baseball or soccer, or when you get out for your first run of the Spring in the sunshine. 
Take that feeling with you everyday. 
Think about it everyday. 
The spring in your step will keep Spring with you...always!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Find Health

Personal Growth can come in many forms - reaching goals, managing time or quite simply, finding health.
Health itself, can be divided into a few categories:
  • muscle tone
  • cardiovascular health
  • lower cholesterol
  • reduce weight
  • eating healthy food
  • eliminating stress
  • sleeping enough
So many ways to find health.  To not look at a healthy lifestyle as part of personal growth would be like leaving out brushing your teeth and still expecting fresh breath.  You need to deal with the whole person.  Eating healthier,  creating a more active lifestyle will help increase your energy, reduce stress and propel your towards your goals in a quicker manner. 

Take care of the whole you. That is how you show up in life - one person, one mind, one body - not multiple parts that you can discount or leave aside!

To learn more about Health & Wellness Coaching click here

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4 Steps to a Clear Vision

Which way are you going?
Do you have a clear vision....can you see in your mind's eye, the steps along the way to success?
If not, here are a few things to try:
  1. take a moment to write out your goal and how you will feel when you reach it
  2. write out the steps to your goal - what are the incremental steps, that when put together will get you to your end result
  3. write out your obstacles - anything that you think could get in the way of success and plan how you will overcome this - that way when it hits (if it hits) you are prepared and will not be thrown off course
  4. write out exactly what success would look like so that you will recognize it when you get there
You can also do this while driving - not the writing part, just the list-making in your head.
It also helps to share this with someone who can give you an objective point of view, providing more insight and ideas.

Let me know how it goes!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Does Your Voice Say?

Your voice is all about you.  It is how you come across to the world. 
What you say and how you say it  - the words + the tone + facial expression + action = YOU!

What does your voice say?  Is it positive or negative? Is it happy or sad?  Is it full of energy or quiet and mournful?  Does your voice reflect what you are saying ....like, you are saying you are happy but your voice has no tone?

What about your body language?  Are you saying you are so upset while looking like you are jumping for joy?

There are many things to think about when we put our voice at the centre of our image of ourselves, at the centre of what others receive from us.  To learn more about your voice and how you are projecting yourself to the world, click here for a FREE e-book called 'Find Your Voice'.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Want My Life Back

This is the moment that you want to climb on the chair and scream! You have just realized that everything you do is for someone else. You are running from work tasks to home tasks and chores without stopping to take 5 minutes for yourself. You have realized that not one single task actually benefits or develops you. It is time to take your life back!

Yes, life is full of challenges. Yes, family, partners, kids, community commitments all are part of life. What you choose to do versus what you actually are two completely different things. Is life thrust at you and you simply take it? Or does life throw things at you and you choose what you will catch and work with today?

Take 5 minutes, right now, and make a list of everything that you did yesterday. Put an ‘M’ next to everything from which you personally benefited. That includes driving the carpool for soccer letting you spend time with your son and his friends – that is a personal benefit.

How many made the ‘M’ list? How can you re-evaluate the ones that did not to see if an ‘M’ could be applied? Waiting for your spouse at the grocery store, while it felt like a waste of time, gave you 20 minutes to sit and think, reflect and recharge. Did you use the time that way or were you drumming your fingers on the steering wheel impatiently, getting more bothered by the minute.

I am taking the long-winded way to say something ---perhaps is not that we ‘want our lives back’, it’s that we need to look at the activity in our lives and recognize them for the positive impact they offer, not just the time they take up. Can you do that?